Data Modeler

We are currently looking for a suitable candidate for the position of Data Modeler who will will be working closely with data architects and data analysts to implement data modelling solutions in order to streamline and support enterprise information management.

To ensure success as a data modeler, you should have in-depth knowledge of data warehousing, as well as expert communication skills.

Your main responsibilites:

    • Create, manage and modify logical data models using a variety of data modelling approaches and techniques
    • Delivery of complex enterprise data solutions
    • Analyse source data and meet regularly with IT partners to develop source to target data mappings (based on SQL)
    • Understand business requirements and develop data models to cover them
    • Interact with data modelling and data mapping teams on a daily basis

Our requirements:

    • 3 years working experience in a data modelling role
    • Good understanding of various data modelling techniques
    • 3 years working experience with Oracle and/or Teradata or other major database
    • 3 years working experience with Power Designer or comparable data modelling tool experience
    • Good understanding of relational databases, querying and building
    • 3 years working experience with enterprise data warehouse/datamart projects
    • Good level SQL knowledge 
    • Good working, written and verbal communication skills in English

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Nevadí, v tom případě nám zašlete Vaše CV a můžeme se společně zamyslete nad Vaším možným uplatněním, nebo doškolením Vašich znalostí.

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